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Google also cannot find Weapons of Mass Destruction (上Google也找不到毀滅武器)

If you key in the keywords "Weapons of Mass Destruction" in google search engine, the result page will displace a funny webpage.

--> Cannot find Weapons of Mass Destruction

Related News: Even Google has problems finding weapons of mass destruction By Sam Varghese, July 4 2003

還記得美國小布希是怎麼羞辱聯合國安理會嗎?小布希不相信安理會的武器檢查報告,非常堅信伊拉克有大規模毀滅性武器(Weapons of Mass Destruction),但是戰爭打完了仍然遲遲沒有找到大規模毀滅性武器,用Google輸入關鍵字Weapons of Mass Destruction,可以找到一個有趣的「找不到網頁」。

相關新聞:上Google也找不到毀滅武器 - 蘋果日報, 2003年7月6日
