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The life style with Electric Vehicle (電動車的生活型態)


The lifestyle with Electric Vehicle (電動車的生活型態)
Discovery 頻道曾經報導過一個故事。一位紐約客居住在城市郊區。他每天通勤上班。開著電動車到鬧區的上班地點,然後在上班時間,讓電動車充電。下班的時候,再開著充好電的電動車回到溫暖的家。
The Discovery channel reported a story. A New Yorker lived in the outer region of the city. He drove his electric vehicle to the location of his downtown office. During working, the battery of vehicle was recharged. In the evening, the New Yorker came back to his warm house with the full-recharged vehicle.
People often met the problem why they choose to buy electric vehicle. Because the electric vehicles seems have more drawbacks after compared with those cars powered by internal combustion engines and the petroleum. The torque force of the former car is smaller, the driving distance is shorter, and the time spent on recharging the battery is so long (about 4 to 6 hours).
Electric vehicle seems like a joke, isn't it? However if we change the viewpoint to reconsider its usage, and maybe there will be something different.
The electric vehicle cannot afford the distance across several cities or the journey to other tourist spots. But most time we often stay in one city, and the distance will not exceed the distance limit of electric vehicle. During rush hour, who can able to seperate the difference of these two kind cars? (The bicycle is always the winner.) In a traffic jam, the waste gas came from a car powered by internal combustion engine (i.c.e) is awful. [1]
In some condition, the eco electric vehicle is not real eco if the batteries were not handled well. The battery-quick-recharged station is a killer of these batteries. The waste of short-lifetime batteries and eco-electric-vehicles will become a mock of our environment.
There are many choices need to select in our living. A method with many advantages did not mean it could handle all conditions well. In some condition, another method with few advantages will be a better choice. I think another method is not the best choice but a proper choice.
Some links about [Appropriate Technology]:
NCAT - National Center for Appropriate Technology
Journey to Forever
Spcial column: appropriate technology is better [Chinese]
洪志鵬專欄: 科技夠用就好
GOOGLE search keyword:
[1]If a car did not maintain well, the car driving in slow velocity will emit more waste gas and spent more petroleum.


Posted by: 孟叡 2003-07-31
所以推廣 EV 的人應該也要有謙虛的心 ^^; 想到某教授去了。zzzz
BTW, 我最近駕駛過 社區型 EV, 馬力雖然不像汽車,但勉強可以勝任爬坡。感覺不錯,只是沒有動力方向盤很費力。
Posted by: pc 2003-08-03 10:28:33
Posted by: 曾祥生 發表於 October 18, 2004 06:23 PM
馳能科技 曾祥生