Regular expression for oddmuse wiki search

It's convenient for searching the Oddmuse Wiki if we have already setting up a naming rule. In my case, the following is my naming rules.

1. yyyy-M-d - anything except my tasks, ex: 2005-11-25
2. yyyy-M-d_Tasks - my tasks recorded at the day, ex: 2005-11-25_Tasks
3. yyyy-M-d_Query - my search history and keywords when I search different database, ex: 2005-11-25_Query
4. brief APA citation format - Author name (Year). Title of the article, ex: Tennis, J. T. (2003). Two axes of domains for domain analysis

A. Start with the keyword: %5CA(start with...) + %s (queried keyword)

Insert the next line into InterMap of oddmuse

StartWith /cgi-bin/

Usage: [StartWith:2005-11 Monthly archive of 2005-11]

B. End with the keyword: %s (quried keyword) + %24 (end with...)

Insert the next line into InterMap of oddmuse

EndWith /cgi-bin/

Usage: [EndWith:Query All of my search history]

C. Find the citations with the same author: from APA style, the author is before the year ( 4 numbers)

Insert the next line into InterMap of oddmuse

Author /cgi-bin/^%s(.*|\s|_|\()\d\d\d\d

Usage: Click the Author:You-Zheng, you can find You-Zheng_Li_1993_Philosophy_Semiotics and You-Zheng_Li_(1993)_Philosophy_Semiotics (if you want your pages under loose citation format)

D. Find the citations with the same year

Insert the next line into InterMap of oddmuse

Year /cgi-bin/^*\(%s\)\.

Updated: If you want to find the citations with the same author, the following is alternative and quick choice

Author /cgi-bin/^%s
