Blog 時代教會我檢視資訊品質的方式

Post via Google Docs

Post via Google Docs

blog site settings
* API: MovableType API
* URL(details): http://YOURBLOG/PATH/TO/mt-xmlrpc.cgi

* Existing Blog Settings
** User Name
** Password: For MovableType 3.x, please check the Author Profile -> API Password (For use with XML-RPC and Atom-enabled clients.) If not, you will met the message "There was a problem (Invalid login)."
** Blog ID/Title: When I tried to specify another ID (not the first one: 1) it was not work. You should specify the exact English title of MovableType blog. If you change the title of MT blog, I suggest you add another new document not just modified the original one.

* Optional
** Include the document title when posting (if supported): If you enable this option, the first line of the document will be the tilte of blog article.

For MT 2.x users, you can check the wiki version .

post via Google docs
