
免費 AI 履歷表網站的故事


A young man, Xiao Ming, is sitting in front of his computer at home, engaged in a remote job interview. He looks slightly anxious yet focused. On the computer screen, a video call is visible, showing an interviewer asking questions. Beside the computer, there's a smartphone or a secondary monitor, where a chatbot is actively searching for information and providing answers. The room is modestly furnished, suggesting a home setting. This scene captures the moment of Xiao Ming using technology to aid his interview process.

小明畢業後投了幾家履歷但杳無回音。黑色星期五發現可以免費 AI 改履歷表的網站。機器人迅速分析了履歷表資料,提供凸顯重要成就的建議、改善版面、以及使用更有自信、更有影響力的詞彙。

很幸運地收到一家 AI 公司的面試通知。因為是遠端工作,面試也採用遠端方式進行。雖然有些罪惡感,小明在考試的時候,同時請機器人幫忙找資料。



小明用手凸起眼睛,留意看辦公室的部門名牌:是他以前上的 AI 履歷表網站。
