Blog 時代教會我檢視資訊品質的方式

the authoring of greeting cards and creative commons 1.0

I observed my colleague making the gretting cards by the commercial authoring software. Fisrt she selected the background, margin, icons from the template pools. After the modification these elements and text inputing, the gretting card was finished through piecing all elements together. It let me think what the condition using the open source authoring software will be. We may using the browser with its extensions to search, browse, import, and modify various card elements from different online repositories.

The author of derivative works will met a strange condition. If s/he obey the CC 2.0 attribution license , s/he should cited many resources of elements. It's almost impossible to cite each name of original providers on a small card.

The provider of elements still can declare his/her works do not need attribution. They can follow CC 1.0 licenses such as NonCommercial 1.0, ShareAlike 1.0, or NonCommercial-ShareAlike 1.0. Although it's not easy to choose these 'expired' license for the current interface on the

Related article
* Announcing (and explaining) our new 2.0 licenses by Glenn Otis Brown on 2004-05-25
